
Who's running the campaign
Chloe Patterson, Student Officer Community
What we want to change and why we want to change it
We know that there are some students in the Queen’s community who live close to or at the edge of their finances which makes meeting their basic needs a struggle.
We care about the welfare of each and every one of our students so we have partnered up with Storehouse to help those students in need.
How we are going to change it
Storehouse is a local charity which provides emergency food parcels, clothing and furniture free of charge to individuals and families in Belfast.
If you feel like you could use the help of Storehouse, please get in touch with Debbie* in our Advice Centre by phoning 9097 1166 or emailing
She’ll tell you more about Storehouse, assess your situation and if you are eligible give you a referral letter to take to Storehouse (they won’t be able to help you without this letter).
Find out more about Storehouse here.
*If Debbie isn’t available, you can speak to Connie or Agnes in the Advice Centre, or Patrick your Student Officer Welfare.
The Union will be a drop-off point for unwanted food, clothing, crockery or furniture at different times throughout the year too.
The next drop-off period is from Monday 8 June to Thursday 18 June in Enterprise SU on the Ground Floor. Please leave in any unwanted food, clothing, crockery or furniture that you no longer need – it could really help another student, individual or family in Belfast.
Find out what Storehouse can and can’t accept here.